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Acta Marisiensis. Philologia

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'Petru Maior'. Philologia
No 5 / 2023

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No 1 / 2019

2023, Volume 5

A Phenomenon: Ion Pribeagu

Constantin Dram, Prof., PhD, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași

After leaving the Jewish fair of Sulita, Ion Pribeagu, the author of the lyrics of a famous song, Zaraza, became known throughout Romania, and not only, for his humor, satirical verve, inspiring portraits, unexpected forms of intertextuality. Signing under different pseudonyms, such as Ion Pribeagu, he wrote about families, characters, gastronomy, world and its habits, with sparks of comic genius. Living more in Bucharest, where he had become a kind of living legend, emigrating and dying in Tel Aviv, Ion Pribeagu, through everything he wrote, conceived his own fair, something between Sulita and Bucharest, where Romanians and Jews have cohabited at will.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/amph-2023-0082

Pages: 29-33

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