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Acta Marisiensis. Philologia

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'Petru Maior'. Philologia
No 5 / 2023

No 4 / 2022

No 3 / 2021

No 2 / 2020

No 1 / 2019

2022, Volume 4

Mr. Anghelache’s Case

Roxana Cotruș (Ispas), Assist. Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș

One of the characters in Romanian Literature left to these days in a mystery area is Anghelache, a humble public servant and the protagonist of the short story Inspecțiune, written by I.L. Caragiale. What surprises most is the tragic end offered by his suicidal act, apparently for no reason, an act that will prove to be, in fact, the only way out of the trap of corruptibility.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/amph-2022-0073

Pages: 102-105

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