Nicolae Breban – Fiction, Memory and Truth
Iulian Boldea, Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 5-10 |
Inter-Confessional and International Cooperation in Translating the Bible. United Bible Societies
Mihai Valentin Vladimirescu, Prof., PhD, University of Craiova
| 11-18 |
Obesity and Fat Stigma Versus Eating Disorders and Slenderness Idealization - The Humanities’ Role
Anișoara Pop, Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 19-25 |
Literary Exile – Between Philosophy and Poetics
Dumitru-Mircea Buda, Assoc. Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 26-34 |
An Overview of an Elective Course on Medical Humanities
Laura Ioana Leon, Assoc. Prof., PhD, “Grigore T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iași
| 35-43 |
Entertainment and Not Only in Jonathan Franzen’s “Crossroads”
Anca Bădulescu, Assoc. Prof., PhD, "Transilvania" University of Brașov
| 44-49 |
Anzia Yezierska and the Identity Crisis in Jewish-American Literature
Smaranda Ștefanovici, Assoc. Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 50-55 |
Fragmentation and the Tendency to Hybridize the Myth in The Artistic Literature
Victoria Fonari, Assoc. Prof., PhD, State University of Moldova
| 56-63 |
Briefing for a Descent Into Hell: Madness as a Literary Motif in World Literature
Simona Olaru-Poșiar, Lecturer, PhD, "Victor Babeș" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timișoara
| 64-70 |
Die Übersetzung und Ihre Rolle beim Erwerb Einer Fremdsprache
Andreea-Romana Ban, Lecturer, PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 71-75 |
Dynamics of Nominal Phrases
Maria-Laura Rus, Lecturer, PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 76-80 |
When Ethics Was of Little Concern to Medical Practice. (Re)Discovering Cronin
Adrian Năznean, Lecturer, PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 81-86 |
Student-Centered Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic Within George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureş: A Case Study
Réka Kutasi, Lecturer, PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 87-94 |
Content-Based Instruction- A Method of Developing Language and Social Competences
Nicoleta Aurelia Marcu, Lecturer, PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 95-101 |
Mr. Anghelache’s Case
Roxana Cotruș (Ispas), Assist. Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 102-105 |
Reviews |
Adrian Dinu Rachieru Politică şi Canon Literar, Editura Eikon, Bucureşti, 2021
Iulian Boldea, Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 106-108 |
Dana Rus, American Exceptionalism Between Utopian Dream and Reality, Pro Universitaria, Bucureşti, 2021
Bianca-Oana Han, Assoc. Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 109-110 |
Cristina Nicolae, A Voyage Within. Representations of the Self in Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf, Leon Wieseltier, Editura Universităţii De Vest, Timişoara, 2021
Corina Bozedean, Assoc. Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 111-112 |
Emanuela Ilie, Claudia Tărnăuceanu (Coord.), Surse și Valori ale Educaţiei. Perspective Pluridisciplinare, Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, 2021
Lucreția Pascariu, PhD Student, "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iași
| 113-116 |
Dumitru Chioaru, Avatarurile lui Orfeu, Editura Univers, Bucureşti, 2021
Iulian Boldea, Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 117-119 |