In the Identity’s Labyrinth
Iulian Boldea, Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 5-10 |
The State of Postmodernist Discourse
Luminița Chiorean, Assoc. Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș Maria Kozak, Prof., PhD, ”Al. Papiu-Ilarian” National College, Târgu Mureș
| 11-21 |
Anaphora Issue in Medical Discourse
Doina Butiurca, Assoc. Prof., PhD., Hab. Dr., Faculty of Technical Sciences and Humanities of Târgu Mureş, Sapientia University of Cluj-Napoca
| 22-27 |
On Punctuation Marks and the Importance of Adequate Teaching
Maria-Laura Rus, Lecturer, PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureş
| 28-32 |
Innovating Ideas in Lucian Blaga’s Philosophy: Cognition Through Metaphor and “Mythical Spirit”
Eugeniu Nistor, Lecturer, PhD, UMFST Târgu-Mureş, "Constantin Rădulescu-Motru" Institute of Philosophy and Psychology, Bucharest
| 33-50 |
An Outlook of the Theatre of Absurd Via the Framework of Chaos Theory
Saeid Rahimipour, Assistant Professor, Farhangian University
| 51-63 |
Sexes et Differences dans Trois Textes Fictionnels de Simone de Beauvoir
Serenela Ghiţeanu, Assoc. Prof., PhD., Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti
| 64-76 |
Multiple Identities and Emerging Selves in Bharati Mukherjee’s Jasmine
Smaranda Ștefanovici, Assoc. Prof., PhD., UMFST Târgu Mureș Chiluț (Muntean) Florina-Gabriela, MA student
| 77-84 |
Layers of the Private Epitext: Lawrence Durrell and Patrick Leigh Fermor’s Correspondence
Dan Horaţiu Popescu, PhD, Partium Christian University of Oradea
| 85-98 |
Kipling and the Age of the Empire
Nicoleta Aurelia Marcu, Lecturer, PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 99-107 |
Communicative Competence in the Context of ESP Methodology
Dana Rus, Lecturer, PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 108-115 |
Beyond the Internationalisation of Higher Education. A Case of a Romanian Medical School on the German Medical Education Services Market
Cristian Lako, Lecturer, PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 116-123 |
Reviews |
The Eternal Return to the Eminescian Text
Iulian Boldea, Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 124-126 |
Homeric Or About The Magical Powers of Storytelling (Doina Ruști, Homeric, Polirom, 2019)
Dumitru-Mircea Buda, Assist. Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 127-130 |
The Mirror Games of Memory
Iulian Boldea, Prof., PhD, UMFST Târgu Mureș
| 131-133 |